
Introduction: 介绍

New Year's Eve: 除夕

New Year's Eve, also known as the night before the New Year, is a time of reflection, celebration, and anticipation for many people around the world. This special occasion holds great significance in various cultures and is often marked by unique customs and traditions. In this article, we will explore the significance of New Year's Eve in Chinese culture, its customs, and the ways in which it is celebrated, providing a glimpse into the rich tapestry of this festive occasion.


Significance of New Year's Eve in Chinese Culture: 中国文化中除夕的重要意义

In Chinese culture, New Year's Eve holds deep cultural and traditional significance. It marks the end of the lunar year and serves as a time for families to come together, ushering out the old year and welcoming the new one. The evening is infused with symbolism, representing the passing of time and the hope for a prosperous and joyful year ahead.


Customs and Traditions: 风俗和传统

The customs and traditions associated with New Year's Eve in China are rooted in centuries of history and folklore. One of the most iconic customs is the reunion dinner, known as "团年饭" (tuán nián fàn), where family members gather to enjoy a lavish feast. The meal is carefully prepared with symbolic dishes that represent prosperity, good fortune, and unity.

与中国除夕相关的风俗习惯植根于数百年的历史和民间传说。最具代表性的风俗之一就是团圆饭,也称为“团年饭”(tuán nián fàn),家人齐聚共享盛宴。这顿丰盛的晚餐精心准备,菜肴寓意着繁荣、好运和团结。


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Another prominent tradition is the act of staying up late on New Year's Eve, known as "守岁" (shǒu suì). This practice is believed to ward off evil spirits and ensure longevity for the family. Firecrackers and fireworks are also set off at midnight to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one with joyous noise.

另一个著名的传统是除夕守岁,也称为“守岁”(shǒu suì)。这一习俗被认为可以驱逐邪灵,保佑家人长命百岁。午夜时分还会点放鞭炮和焰火,以喧嚣的声音告别旧年,迎接新年的到来。

Celebrations: 庆祝方式

New Year's Eve is a time of jubilation and excitement in China, with various customs and activities that add to the festive atmosphere. Red lanterns are hung outside homes and streets, symbolizing good luck and prosperity. The color red, considered auspicious, is ubiquitous in decorations and clothing worn during the celebrations.


In addition to traditional customs, modern celebrations of New Year's Eve in China also include watching the annual Spring Festival Gala on television, featuring an array of performances and entertainment. Many people also exchange red envelopes known as "压岁钱" (yāsuì qián) containing money as a symbol of good fortune and blessings for the new year.

除了传统的风俗,现代中国的除夕庆祝活动还包括观看电视上的春节联欢晚会,其中有各种表演和娱乐节目。许多人还互赠红包,这些红包内装有“压岁钱”(yāsuì qián),寓意着新年的好运和祝福。

Conclusion: 结论

New Year's Eve in China is a time-honored tradition that brings families together and signifies hope for a prosperous future. The customs and celebrations associated with this occasion are deeply rooted in history and continue to be cherished by people of all ages. As the clock strikes midnight, the joyous atmosphere fills the air, carrying with it the collective excitement and anticipation for the opportunities and blessings that the new year holds. Whether through traditional rituals or modern festivities, the spirit of New Year's Eve in China remains a vibrant and cherished part of the country's cultural tapestry.








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