
Introduction to Backpack and Stationery


As the new school year approaches, one of the most important seasons of the year arrives: purchasing a new backpack and stationery. In this article, I will introduce you to different types of backpacks and stationery to help you make the right choice before the start of the school year.



Backpacks are essential items for every student. Choosing the right backpack can ease the burden on your back and carry necessary items comfortably. Here are some common backpack types and their corresponding features:

1. 碳素纤维书包


1. Carbon fiber backpack

This type of backpack is made of high-tech carbon fiber material, making it extremely lightweight. The material is durable and has good protective effects, making it suitable for long-term use.

2. 双肩背包


2. Backpacks with two shoulder straps

Backpacks with two shoulder straps come in many types, but they all have one thing in common: two shoulder supports. This type of backpack is more comfortable and suitable for sports occasions or long-term carrying.

3. 滑板书包


3. Skateboard backpack

This type of backpack can be used as a protective gear when skateboarding. The skateboard backpack has special cushioning layers to prevent damage to the backpack and its contents.

4. 斜挎书包


4. Sling backpack

Sling backpacks are suitable for short trips or daily use. This type of backpack is the perfect size and can hold necessary items while being conveniently carried.



Stationery is an indispensable item before exams. Here are some of the most practical stationery items:

1. 铅笔和橡皮


1. Pencils and erasers

Pencils are very practical during exams because they can be erased. Erasers are a necessary accessory because they can eliminate mistakes.

2. 水笔


2. Fountain pens

Fountain pens provide a cleaner and darker writing effect. Be sure to choose the right fountain pen to avoid leakage.

3. 计算器


3. Calculator

A calculator is a necessary tool used in math exams.

4. 文件夹和便签


4. Folders and sticky notes

Folders and sticky notes can help you take notes, organize key points, and find the information you need easily.




When purchasing backpacks and stationery, it is important to understand the different types available. Compare different options carefully, make sure the backpack and stationery you choose meet your needs, and provide a comfortable and practical user experience.


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