
Introduction to White Dew


As the last solar term of summer, White Dew is a significant time in the Chinese lunar calendar, marking the transition from summer to autumn. It falls on September 7th or 8th of each year, when the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 165°. During this period, the weather becomes cooler, and the dew appears white on the ground in the early mornings, hence the name "White Dew."


Historical Significance



White Dew holds cultural significance with various customs and activities, such as enjoying osmanthus flowers and making osmanthus wine, appreciating the full moon, and eating seasonal fruits like pears and grapes. These traditions enrich the festivities and bring people together to celebrate the arrival of autumn.


Seasonal Changes


During White Dew, the climate undergoes significant changes. The temperatures gradually decrease, and the humidity in the air increases, leading to the appearance of dew. This transition from summer to autumn brings a sense of tranquility as nature prepares for its winter dormancy.


In terms of agricultural activities, White Dew signifies the harvest season for various crops, particularly rice. It is a critical time for farmers as they gather the fruits of their labor and prepare for the upcoming winter. The air is filled with the scent of ripe grains, and fields are adorned with golden hues, creating a picturesque landscape.


Health and Lifestyle


According to traditional Chinese medicine, White Dew is a critical period for regulating health and well-being. It is believed that adjusting one's diet and exercise routines during this time can help balance the body's yin and yang, thus strengthening the immune system and preventing illnesses in the coming winter.


In line with these beliefs, people often engage in various health-preserving activities during White Dew, such as practicing Tai Chi, going for leisurely walks, and consuming seasonal foods known for their nourishing properties. Additionally, it is customary to consume foods that promote hydration and nourish the lungs, such as pears, grapes, and mung beans, to support overall well-being.




White Dew is not only a solar term in the Chinese calendar but also a reflection of the harmony between humans and nature. It marks the bountiful harvest, the beginning of autumn, and the time for people to focus on health and well-being. By embracing the customs and traditions associated with White Dew, individuals can appreciate the beauty of seasonal transitions and cultivate a balanced and healthy lifestyle.


In conclusion, White Dew is a time of transition and celebration, connecting people to the natural rhythms of the earth and encouraging mindfulness towards both physical and mental well-being.



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